I've always said that the only and rather, the greatest minus in Russia is the high and uncontrollable wave of racism. It is a surprise to me that if a non-ethnic russian (say an African or Caucasian) is killed then everyone is at peace and no one is bothered. However it is reverse of the case when an ethnic russian is killed. The whole town or country goes crazy. Skin-Heads, Ultra nationalists and the so called "Slavian" faces stage demonstrations and scream racially motivated ideas and destroy everything that belongs to people of another race and yet the authorities and police cannot do anything. It's sickening to hear that they cannot even find these demonstrations racially motivated...foreigners are been killed in this country everyday and nobody gives a hoot...so why is stavoropol going crazy now..I have been there and I know what it is...A foreigner was killed just two weeks before the incident in stavoropol and another in moscow but everyone kept quiet...All 50 or so idiots arrested during the demonstrations were released for reasons unknown and moreso the government had said that the killers of the so called 2 "ethnic" russians were of slavian faces...so why are they going bunkers?
I have always said that Russian is the number 1 racist nation in the world and I continue to maintain my stand. It is a fact and I fear for the lives of all foreigners staying in the stavropol region.
One thing I cannot understand though, is why the Caucasian people , renowned for their vengeance cannot retaliate. Let those skin-heads have a feel of what it is to иу hated just because of the color of your skin or hair but that is not to say that I support any kind of racially motivated crimes. Racism is a disease which needs an urgent cure.
(pictures from) http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2007/06/07/011.html